The Health Of Staying Hydrated

More than half of your total mass is water.  Considering this, it's not difficult to image how important it is to maintain adequate hydration throughout the day.  We all hear about how important it is to drink 8 glasses of water a day, but there are many factors which reduce or increase our body's demand for water.  


Have you ever noticed how much thirstier you become on a hot sunny day?  Heat increases perspiration, our built in cooling mechanism.  Without adequate hydration you may find yourself weak and overheating.  


Exercise increases the body's demand for water because it increases all of the body's processes.  We lose water not only through perspiration but also respiration.  In fact, every time you exhale, carbon dioxide and water vapor leave the body.  Did you know that 84% of weight loss is the carbon dioxide that is exhaled during respiration?  The other 16% of each pound we lose comes out as water so remember to replace water every time you exercise.  Here is a fascinating video about this.  Rehydrate!


If you eat a lot of fruit and vegetables like you're supposed to, you are already fulfilling a portion of your daily water requirements.  Celery, for example, is one of the most water-rich vegetables, and most fruits are even higher.  Strawberries contain 92% water!  Melons are another great source.  The more fruits and vegetables you incorporate into your diet the more hydrated you'll be.  Here's a great article about hydration from fruit and vegetable smoothies!


The human body is amazing.  With a signal from the endocrine system (anti-diuretic hormone), the kidneys will decrease the amount of water they filter out of the bloodstream and into the bladder.  When the body is low on water it will concentrate the urine producing a darker yellow color.  Alternatively, when consuming coffee, other diuretics, or excessive water the urine becomes more clear.  Diuretics encourage the body to get rid of excess fluid by flushing the kidneys.  You'll know you're drinking enough water if your urine is a pale yellow; not too dark and not completely clear.


You may wonder why salt makes the body retain water.  Water always moves towards the highest solute concentration.  When excessive salt is consumed, the body puts more water into the bloodstream to balance the salt.  Eventually the salt is passed through as sweat, tears, or urine but in the mean time the extra salt increases our blood pressure and stresses our body's systems.  Consuming more potassium and less salt are good ways to return to a healthy balance of electrolytes and blood pressure.

Water Delivery Service

Contracting with a water delivery service, like Dean's  Waterservice Inc, is one way to help you stay hydrated.  You'll never again go without cool, refreshing, pure, drinkable water on a hot, summer day.  They will deliver it right to your home, workplace, school, gym or anywhere else you need a reliable and steady supply of H2O.  All one hundred trillion cells in your body will quench their thirst with each glass and thank you for the refreshing life-giving drink.  Give it a try!  
